Mezinárodní workshopy
- 2020: Ernst Mach Workshop IX: Non-causal explanation in physics
- 2019: 2nd Prague Workshop on Frege‘s Logic
- 2019: Autonomous Vehicle Ethics: Beyond the Trolley Problem
- 2019: Idealization Across the Sciences (Videonahrávky)
- 2019: What does mathematics tell us about the Physical World (Videonahrávky)
- 2018: Anti-Natalism under Fire
- 2018: Workshop on Frege’s Logic
- 2018: Representation in Science (Videonahrávky)
- 2017: Perspectives on Explanation (Videonahrávky)
- 2017: Fiction, Its Instruments, Its Creatures and Their Friends (workshop on Stacie Friend’s account of fiction and fictional discourse) (Videonahrávky)
- 2003: Language and Value (Czech-Finnish colloquium)
- 1999: Getting the PAGINation Right (Czech-Slovak-Swedish-German workshop on texts by the Swedish philosopher Peter Pagin)
- 1990: Object, Identity, Identification (workshop of philosophers associated with The European Review of Philosophy from Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands and the Czech Republic)
Mezinárodní konference
- 2020: Conceptual and Methodological Aspects of Biomedical Research (Videonahrávky)
- 2019: 16th Congress on Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science and Technology (CLMPST)
- 2013: Perception, Intentionality and the Bad Argument (13. 5. 2013, Vila Lanna, Prague)
- 2012: Language and Social Ontology (11. 6. 2012, Institute of Philosophy of the CAS, Prague)
- 2011: The Intentionality of Visual Perception (23. 5. 2011, Institute of Philosophy of the CAS, Prague)
- 2009: Knowledge, Value, Evolution: An international conference on cross-pollination between life sciences and philosophy. (November 23-25, 2009, Vila Lanna, Praha)
- 2008: Emotions and Intentionality (April 17–18, 2008, Villa Lanna, Prague)
- 2007: Rethinking Popper (September 10th – 14th 2007, Prague, Czech Republic)
- 2005: Descriptions (October 25–26, 2005, Philosophical Institute, Prague)
- Parusniková, Z. and Cohen, R.S. (eds.): Rethinking Popper, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Springer Verlag, 2009
- Hvorecký, J. (ed.) Emotions and Intentionality, Organon F, vol. 16, 1, 2009
- Hříbek, T. and Hvorecký, J. (eds.): Knowledge, Value, Evolution, London: College Publications, 2011.
- Hvorecký, J. and Koťátko, P. (eds.): Philosophy of John R. Searle. Organon F, 2012, Vol. 19, Supplementary Issue (includes J. Searle’s introductory article and his replies to contributors)