Who I am / What I do
I am a researcher at the Department of Analytical Philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague. I work mainly in philosophy of language and philosophy of art. I also focus on the history of philosophy. Mostly Kant.
In the philosophy of language and art, I used to work in the theory of meaning and the theory of interpretation. Now I focus on topics where these two disciplines overlap with ethics, such as hate speech, controversial artworks, censorship and free speech.
My main publications include the French monograph La conscience interne de la langue (Limoges: Lambert-Lucas, 2021). The preface was written by Professor Claude Imbert from the École normale supérieure in Paris. Starting with this book, I began to explore ethical issues related to language. I focused my research on questions such as: How can speech hurt?...
How to understand linguistic aggression at all? What are its many forms?
My other publication is The Aesthetic Illusion in Literature and the Arts (Oxford – New York: Bloomsbury, 2017), which I edited and to which I contributed an introduction. The book discusses the phenomenon of immersion in literary and artistic works. In another text, Ethical Flaws in Artworks (JAAC 80, 2022, Oxford University Press), I discuss ethical issues related to controversial art.
I have been three times a visiting scholar at research centres at the École normale supérieure and the CNRS in Paris. Once at the Institut Jean-Nicod, twice at the Institut des textes et manuscrits modernes. At the École normale supérieure in Paris, I was also once an invited professor at the Centre Cavaillès. In addition, I have held study fellowships at the University of Washington in Seattle and St Mary’s University College in London.
I organize international philosophical conferences on art and language in English and French. I was also the main coordinator of a conference on hate speech in the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic.
Since 2020, I have been Deputy Head of the Department of Analytic Philosophy.
I'd be happy to hear from you at: koblizek [at] flu.cas.cz
CV and Publications
Email: koblizek [at] flu.cas.cz
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5602-8083
ResearcherID: H-2274-2014
Academia.edu: https://cas-cz.academia.edu/TomášKoblížek
Current position
Research Fellow at the Department of Analytic Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences (member of the department from 2011).
From 2020 Deputy director of the Department.
Research areas
Philosophy of language: applied philosophy of language (hate speech and freedom of speech), ethical aspects of speech (forms of silencing, linguistic aggression), textual semantics, contextualization of meaning, linguistic norms, translation theory, phenomenology of language
Philosophy of literature: semantics of literary text, theory of fiction, theory of interpretation
Philosophy of art: ethics and art (controversial works of art), cognitive value of art, aesthetic experience, philosophical reflection on contemporary art
History of philosophy. I. Kant, W. von Humboldt, W. F. Hegel
Doctor’s degree (Ph.D.)
2008–2014 Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague
Department of Comparative Literature
Doctoral thesis: F. Rastier’s interpretative semantics (supervisor – Martin Pokorny)
Master degree (Mgr.)
2002–2008: Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague
Department of Philosophy – Department of Comparative Literature
Master thesis in philosophy: A Phenomenology of Fiction (supervisor – Martin Pokorny)
Educational and research stays
2022 October
Professeur invité at École normale supérieure – CNRS (Centre Cavaillès), Paris
Research topics: ethical issues in philosophy of language and philosophy of art
2019 September – December
Institut Jean-Nicod, École normale supérieure – EHESS – CNRS, Paris
Visiting Researcher – Team: Perception, Memory, Representations; main collaborator: Jérôme Dokic
Research topic: the adverbial theory of aesthetic experience
2017 January – June
Institut des Textes et Manuscrits Modernes, École Normale Supérieure – CNRS, Paris
Visiting Researcher – Équipe linguistique; main collaborator: Irène Fenoglio
Research topic: subjectivity in language
From 2017 chercheur associé in Équipe linguistique.
2015 September – December
Institut des Textes et Manuscrits Modernes, École Normale Supérieure – CNRS, Paris
Visiting Researcher – Équipe linguistique; main collaborator: Irène Fenoglio
Research topic: Émile Benveniste’s semantics
2010 September – December
University of Washington, Seattle
Department of Comparative Literature
Visiting Graduate Student – Academic agreement Chares University / University of Washington
2007 Winter Semester
St Mary’s University College, Twickenham, London
Department of Philosophy
Membership in scientific committees and reviewing activities
From 2016: Member of the Committee for the Scientific Progress at the Charles University of Prague (reviewer for three scientific programs: Progres, Primus, Unce)
From 2017: Reviewer for the Charles University Grant Agency
From 2019: The Reviewer for the Research, Development and Innovation Council(an advisory body to the Government of the Czech Republic).
From 2021: Reviewer for the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Member of an International Scientific Council
Scientific Council of CEFRES (Centre français de recherche en sciences sociales, Prague) (member since 2024 as a representative of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
Member of an international research network
Slurring Terms Across Languages (STAL): an international and interdisciplinary network on slurs, pejoratives and evaluative and expressive expressions (member since 2023)
Grants and scholarships (selection)
2024–2026 (mobility grant from the Czech and Polish Academy of Sciences)
Bridging a Divide: An Interdisciplinary Cooperation in Applied Philosophy of Language, Mind, and Science (with a special focus on hate speech, disinformation, and replication crisis) (T. Koblizek Principal Investigator for the Czech Academy of Sciences, Principal Investigator for the Polish side: M. Milkowski)
2023-2028: OP JAK (main beneficiary: Faculty of Arts, Charles University)
Project: Role of Conflict in Resilience (CoRe), Research project 5: Conflict and Manipulation: the Impact of Framing Bias on Individual and Societal Attitudes (Research project leaders: René Levínský and Josef Šlerka, TK = team member)
2022: Invited professor at the Centre Cavaillès, École Normale Supérieure, Paris
Research themes: Hate speech; Controversial art - its perception and forms of protest (one month stay - October 2022)
2016–2018: Programme for research and mobility support of starting researchers
Awarded by Czech Academy of Sciences
Collaborating institution: Institut des Textes et Manuscrits Modernes, École Normale Supérieure/CNRS, Paris – Équipe linguistique
Project: Subjectivity and Appropriation: On Two Aspects of Linguistic Utterance
Position: Principal Investigator
2014–2016: Post-doctoral Fellowship
Awarded by Czech Academy of Sciences
Project: From the System of Language to the Meaning of Utterance
Position: Principal Investigator
2014–2015: Charles University Grant (GAUK)
Awarded by Charles University Science Foundation
Project: Émile Benveniste and the Linguistics of Utterance
Position: Research team member (PI = Eva Krasova)
2014: Charles University Grant (GAUK)
Awarded by Charles University Science Foundation
Project: The Concept of Worldview: From Kant to the Present
Position: Research team member (PI = Lukas Borovicka)
2009–2012: Support program for international cooperation
Awarded by Czech Academy of Sciences
Project: Language, Reality, Fiction: Philosophy and Literary Theory on the Sources and Determinants of Meaning
Position: Associated researcher (PI = Petr Kotatko)
2011: Charles University Grant (GAUK)
Awarded by Charles University Science Foundation
Project: Phenomenologically based literary semantics
Position: Principal Investigator
2009–2010: Charles University Grant (GAUK)
Awarded by Charles University Science Foundation
Project: Taxonomy of literary works: A phenomenological approach
Position: Principal Investigator
2011 – Josef Hlávka Award for young scientists (Josef Hlávka Foundation, nominated by Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague).
2022 Award of the Director of the Institute of Philosophy in Prague for popularization of science (awarded for public lectures on hate speech)
Editorial activities
2018 – 2022: Editor-in-Chief of Reflexe, peer-reviewed philosophical journal published by Oikoymenh. Editor of the journal from 2012.
Since 2022 – Member of the editorial board of the philosophical journal Reflexe
Main coordinator of international meetings
2024 - Art, Ethics & Contexts of Creation | Workshop with Ted Nannicelli (with T. Hribek)
2023 Prague Workshop with Frédérique de Vignemont (Institute Jean-Nicod, Paris)
2023 Controversial Art and Freedom of Expression (organized at TheUniversity of Manchester, MANCEPT Workshops in Political Theory, co-organizer: Benjamin Matheson)
2022 Prague–Valencia Workshop on Analytic Philosophy
Prague Interpretation Colloquium (in English)
2022 What future for Ethical Criticism of Art ?
2019 Thinking and Speaking about Fictional Worlds
2018 Fiction versus Pretense
2017 The Power of Analysis and the Impossibility of Understanding: Lessons from Kafka
2016 Chaos and Form: Echoes of Beckett in Literature, Theatre and the Arts
2015 The Aesthetic Illusion in Literature and the Arts
Atelier linguistique de Prague (in French)
2019 La philosophie du langage et l’épistémologie à l’âge classique (with Hana Fořtová)
2018 En d‘autres termes. Les enjeux théoriques de la traduction
2017 Dire « Je » : Autour de la subjectivité linguistique
2016 Sur l’écritue. La dernière question d‘Émile Benveniste
Main coordinator of other events
2022 Hate speech and Czech society: current risks and possibilities of prevention (Conference in the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic)
2021 - Double Contemporary. Workshop on contemporary aesthetics and contemporary art (in Czech)
2013 - Kant on Aesthetic Judgment. Workshop with Anthony Savile (King’s College, London)
Organization of individual lectures by foreign researchers
Since 2011 I have been organizing lectures by foreign guests at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences. For example, the lectures of the following researchers took place:
2012 - Herbert Blau (University of Washington)
2016 - Irène Fenoglio (École normale supérieure, Paris)
2021 - Joerg Fingerhut (Berlin School of Mind and Brain)
2022 – Mark Windsor (British Society of Aesthetics)
Peer reviews for philosophical journals and journals for literary criticism
Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy, TOPOI: An International Review of Philosophy (Springer)
TOPOI: An International Review of Philosophy (Springer), Organon F: International Journal of Analytic Philosophy, Visual Resources: An International Journal on Images and their Uses (Routledge), Pro-Fil: An Internet Journal of Philosophy, Word and Sense, Brno Studies in English, Filosofický časopis, Filosofie dnes, Svět literatury, Česká literature
Teaching activities
Introduction to aesthetics (with a special focus on contemporary art): lectures for students of architecture, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague (external collaboration). (in Czech)
Merleau-Ponty sur le langage et la littérature : séminaire critique (in French): seminar for students of philosophy and literature at the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University (external collaboration). (in French)
Analysis and interpretation of text: seminar for students of philosophy and literature at the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University (external collaboration). (in Czech)
Invited lectures, papers at international conferences and workshops (selection)
Paper (refereed): Lying as a Language Game Bridging the Gap between Game Theory and Contemporary Philosophy of Lying, Paris Workshop on Games, Decisions, and Language, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas, Paris, June 14, 2024 (with R. Levínský)
Paper (refereed): Offensive Expressions in Czech: Current Data and Future Research, STAL Workshop 2024, Slurring Terms Across Languages network (STAL), Comenius University, Bratislava, May 17, 2024.
Paper (refereed): Semi-Anonymous Hate Speech, Prague-Valencia Workshop on Analytic Philosophy, VLC Philosophy Lab, University of Valencia, February 16, 2024
Paper: “The Painting Must Go”. Expressive Appropriation Claims and Freedom of Expression, University of Manchester, MANCEPT Workshops, September 13, 2023, TK co-organizer of the workshop.
Paper (refereed): May an Artist’s Moral Ill Repute Affect the Meaning of Their Work? An Argument for an Intrinsic Relationship, University of Vienna, ECAP11: 11TH European Congress of Analytic Philosophy, August 23, 2023.
Respondent: Prague-Valencia Workshop on Analytic Philosophy, 22-23 September 2022, Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Prague (Commentary to the lecture by Benjamin Matheson: It was a Different Time: Judging Historical Figures by Today's Standards)
Invited lecture: La conscience interne de la langue, École normale supérieure, Paris, October 12, 2022.
Invited lecture: La pénétration affective : Un facteur clé dans les attitudes de rejet à l’égard de l’art contemporain, Institut Jean-Nicod (ENS–EHESS), Paris, October 17, 2022.
Respondent at the workshop: Valeurs esthétiques et prise de décision dans le cerveau, organizers: Pascal Mamassian (Laboratoire des Systèmes Perceptifs, ENS), Jérôme Dokic (ENS, EHESS, Institut Jean-Nicod), Norberto Grzywacz (Loyola University Chicago), Institut d‘études avancées, Hôtel Lauzun, Paris, October 19-20, 2022.
Invited lecture: Le droit de haïr ? Discours de haine et liberté d'expression dans le contexte de la philosophie contemporaine du langage, Institut d’études avancées, Hôtel Lauzun, Paris, October 25, 2022.
Paper (refereed): Moving on the Spot: Representation of Time in Static Cinema, A British Society of Aesthetics Synergy Conference: Experimental Film, Video Art, and the Borders of Cinema, May 25, 2022, Queen Mary University of London.
Invited lecture: Immoral Art and Immoral Artits. On Ted Nannicelli’s Production-Oriented Criticism of Art. Center for Ethics, Pardubice, November 16, 2021.
Paper (refereed): Adverbial Experience: The Aesthetics of Contemporary Art, The tenth European Congress of Analytic Philosophy (ECAP 10), Utrecht University, August 26, 2020 (on-line).
Invited lecture: Contemporary Art and the Non-Perceptual Aesthetic Experience, Institut Jean-Nicod, École Normale Supérieure – CNRS, Paris, December 13, 2019.
Invited lecture: L’ironie selon la perspective de la philosophie analytique; École des hautes études en sciences sociales (CRAL), Paris, March 22, 2019.
Paper (refereed): Sur la Fonction Mnémonique des Illustrations Textuelles, conference: Images sources de textes / Textes sources d‘images, Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Étienne, France, June 18 2018.
Paper (refereed): From Linguistics to Phenomenology and Back: Émile Benveniste’s Notes on Baudelaire, conference The Wording of Thoughts. Philosophy from the Standpoint of Its Manuscripts and Archives. Cefres, Institut français de Prague, June 8, 2018.
Paper (refereed): Lecture littéraire de la poésie concrète, conference: Rencontres Internationales de Reims : la Lecture littéraire dans tous ses états, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Reims, France, May 29 2018.
Paper: Subjectivité et connaissance intime de la langue, workshop: Dire « Je » : Autour de la subjectivité linguistique, institution : Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague November 24 2017.
Invited lecture: Cercle Linguistique de Prague : les documents et les idées; institution : Institut des Textes et Manuscrits Modernes, École Normale Supérieure – CNRS, Paris, March 3rd 2017.
Paper: La double image de l’écriture dans les Dernieres leçons d'Émile Benveniste, workshop : Sur l’écritue. La derniere question d'Émile Benveniste, institution : Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, November 22nd 2016.
Paper (refereed): Saussure et Benveniste sur la mutabilité de la langue, conference : Le cours de linguistique générale 1916–2016, institution : Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, June 15th 2016.
Paper: Exeo in a Spasm: A Note on Beckett's Poetry, conference: Chaos and Form, Echoes of Beckett in Literature and the Arts, institution: Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, April 13th 2016.
Paper (refereed): Literature and the Port-Royal Logic, conference: Literature and Philosophy, institution: University of Sussex, Brighton, July 16th 2015.
Paper: Aesthetic Illusion and the Analogy Principle, conference: The Aesthetic Illusion in Literature and the Arts, institution: Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, April 22nd 2015.
Paper (refereed): Between World and Text: Referential Balance as an Aesthetic Principle, conference: 8th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy, institution: University of Bucharest, August 29th 2014.
Paper (refereed): Telling without Narration, conference: Literature and Cognition, institution: Institute of Slavic Studies, Czech Academy of Sciences, April 8th 2014.
Paper: Kant’s Notion of Indeterminate Concept, workshop: On Judgements of Taste and Their Validity, institution: Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, November 20th 2013. (With a reply from Anthony Savile, King’s College, London)
Work in Progress
Anonymity in hate speech
Hate speech: A defence of a pragmatic view
Conspiracy theories as hate speech
Free speech and hate speech: A revised balancing model
Main Publications
Koblizek, T. (2021). La conscience interne de la langue. Essai phénoménologique. Limoges: Lambert-Lucas. Preface by Claude Imbert, École normale supérieure, Paris.
Articles, essays and chapters in scientific journals and collective monographs
Koblizek T. (2024). Hate Speech and Two Levels of Linguistic Meaning. In: Gert-Jan van der Heiden and Anna Novokhatko (eds.), International Yearbook for Hermeneutics, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 14–25.
Koblizek T. (forthcoming 2024), Hate Speech and Two Levels of Linguistic Meaning. In: International Yearbook for Hermeneutics
Koblizek, T. (2024). May an Artist's Moral Ill Repute Affect the Meaning of Their Work? An Analysis from the Perspective of Speech Act Theory. The Journal of Ethics (Springer). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10892-024-09470-z
Koblizek T. (2023), Contemporary Art and the Problem of Indiscernibles: An Adverbialist Approach, The European Journal of Aesthetics (Estetika), 60 (1), 19–35.
Koblizek, T. (2022). Ethical Flaws in Art: An Argument for Contextual Conjunctivism. Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 80. 4., str. 853–863 (Oxford University Press).
Koblížek, T. (forthcoming 2022). Paradoxe de la traduction, in: Giuseppe d’Ottavi, Valentina Chepiga (eds.), Traduire la linguistique, traduire les linguistes, Editions Academia : Louvain-la-Neuve (collection « Sciences du langage : Carrefours et Points de Vue »).
Koblizek, T. (2019). Lecture littéraire de la poésie visuelle. In: A. Trouvé et al. (eds.), Lecture littéraire dans tous ses états, Paris: L’Improviste, pp. 91–99.
Koblizek, T. – Krásová, E. (2019). Émile Benveniste et le Cercle linguistique de Prague, in: I. Fenoglio, G. D’Ottavi (eds.), Émile Benveniste. Un demi siècle après les Problèmes de linguistique générale. Paris: École normale supérieure (Éditions rue d‘Ulm ), pp. 163–193.
Koblizek, T. (2018). Saussure et Benveniste sur la mutabilité de la langue. In: D. Gambara, F. Reboul (eds.): Travaux des Colloques: Le Cours de linguistique générale, 1916–2016. L’émergence, le devenir. Genève: Cercle Ferdinand de Saussure (on-line).
Koblizek, T., Introduction, in: T. Koblížek. (ed.) (2017). Aesthetic Illusion in Literature and the Arts, London, New York: Bloomsbury, pp. 1–25.
Koblizek, T. (2012). How to Make the Concepts Clear: Searle’s Discussion with Derrida. Organon F Suppl. 2, pp. 157–165. (Published with a reply from prof. John Searle.)
Koblizek, T., Representation: A Phenomenological Point of View. In: G. Currie; Koťátko, P.; Pokorný, M. (eds.): Mimesis: Metaphysics, Cognition, Pragmatics. College Publications: London 2012, pp. 257–272.
Other publications
Koblizek, T. (2015). Interpretační sémantika. Úvod do textové teorie Françoise Rastiera (=Interpretative Semantics. An Introduction to the Textual Theory of François Rastier). Prague: Charles University, Faculty of Arts Press, 2015. (in Czech)
Koblizek, T.(2012). Nová poetika. Kapitola z francouzského myšlení o literatuře (=New Poetics. A Chapter from French Literary Thought). Prague: Togga, 2012. (in Czech)
Koblizek, T. (2010). Fenomén fikce. Příspěvek k fenomenologii literatury (=Phenomenon of Fiction. A Contribution to Phenomenology of Literature). Prague: Togga, 2010. (in Czech)
Articles, essays and chapters in scientific journals and collective monographs
Koblizek, T. – Virdzek, A. (2020). Filosofická hermeneutika Hanse-Georga Gadamera (= Hans-Georg Gadamer’s Philosophica Hermeneutics), In T. Halamka – A. Virdzek (eds.), Jak číst politické myslitele?, Praha: Karolinum.
Koblizek, T. (2018), Hegel ve Francii. Přehledová studie (=Hegel in France. An Overview). In: T. Koblížek – R. Roreitner (eds.), Hegel ve Francii, Praha: Oikúmené, pp. 7–29. (in Czech)
Koblizek, T. (2017). Lucien Goldmann. Světový názor jako pojem a analytický nástroj (= Lucien Goldmann. Worldview as a concept and analytical tool). In: L. Borovička (ed.), „Světový názor“ od Humboldta k Eagletonovi. Komentovaná antologie textů k dějinám pojmu. Praha: Academia, pp. 115–120. (in Czech)
Koblizek, T. (2017). Pohled na svět. Ke klíčovému pojmu Humboldtova jazykového idealismu (= Worldview. On the key concept of Humboldt's linguistic idealism). In: L. Borovička (ed.), „Světový názor“ od Humboldta k Eagletonovi. Komentovaná antologie textů k dějinám pojmu. Praha: Academia, pp. 19–24. (in Czech)
Koblizek, T. (2016). Exeo in a Spasm: A Note on Beckett’s Poetry. In T. Koblížek, P. Koťátko (ed.), Chaos and Form. Echoes of Beckett in Literature and the Arts. Prague: Litterarie Pragensia, pp. 248–260.
Koblizek, T. (2015). Poezie jako hlavolam: Saussure o anagramu (= Poetry as a conundrum: Saussure on anagrams). Svět literatury, 52, pp. 199–205. (in Czech)
Koblizek, T. (2014). Pojem Weltansicht v kontextu Humboldtovy filosofie jazyka (= The Notion of Weltansicht in the Context of Humboldt’s Philosophy of Language). Reflexe 46, pp. 77–97. (in Czech)
Koblizek, T. (2014). Kant o neurčeném pojmu (= Kant on Undetermined Concept). Svět literatury 50, pp. 89–92. (Published with reply from prof. Anthony Savile.) (in Czech)
Koblizek, T. (2014). François Rastier: Za nehierarchický model textu (=François Rastier: For a non-hierarchical model of text), Svět literatury, 49, pp. 59–75. (in Czech)
Koblizek, T. (2014). Jean Hyppolite, čtenář Hegela (= Jean Hyppolite, Hegel’s Reader), Reflexe 46, pp. 123–127. (in Czech)
Koblizek, T. (2014). Laruelle o fotografii (= Laruelle on photography), Sešit pro umění, teorii a příbuzné zóny, 16, pp. 54–69. (in Czech)
Koblizek, T. (2013). Role obrazotvornosti v Kantově Kritice soudnosti (= The role of imagination in Kant‘s Critique of the Power of Judgement), in: M. Vrabec, J. Marek (eds.), Obrazotvornost v dějinách evropské filosofie, Praha: Togga, 2013, pp. 157–181. (in Czech)
Koblizek, T., Dvě polohy pozornosti: Toyen (Two positions of attention: Toyen). In: Z. Zemanová, L. Pořízková (eds.): Cizinec – vyhnanec – přistěhovalec. Sborník příspěvků z mezinárodního sympozia Umění a kultury střední Evropy. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci 2012, pp. 187–192. (in Czech)
Koblizek, T. (2011). Hranice narativní analýzy (= The Frontiers of the narrative analysis), in: Podoby a funkce příběhu. Pokus o interdisciplinární debatu, Praha: Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR, 12–19. (in Czech)
Koblizek, T. (2011). Výpověď a singularita (=Utterance and singularity). Sešit pro umění, teorii a příbuzné zóny 10, pp. 45–70. (in Czech)
Koblizek, T. (2010). The Theory of Fictional Worlds from the Perspective of Structural Analysis. In: P. Koťátko, Pokorný, M.; Sabates, M. (eds.): Fictionality, Possibilty, Reality. Bratislava: Aleph, pp. 249–264.
Koblizek, T. (2011). Román, výraz, čas (= Novel and Time), Svět literatury, 44, pp. 91–101. (in Czech)
Koblizek, T. (2010). Ještě jednou k teorii fikčních světů (= On Theory of fictional worlds, once again), Svět literatury, 41, pp. 100–105. (in Czech)
Koblizek, T. (2010). Fenomén fikce (= Phenomenon of fiction), Svět literatury, 41, pp. 45–60. (in Czech)
Koblizek, T. (2010). Recepce básnické promluvy jakožto specifická časová zkušenost (= The temporal dimension of reading of poetry), Česká literatura, 1, pp. 42–58. (in Czech)
Koblizek, T. (2010). Strukturalismus a fenomenologie ve vědě o literatuře (= Structuralism and phenomenology in literary criticism), in: M. Vrabec (ed.), Filosofická reflexe umění, Praha, Togga, pp. 277–302. (in Czech)
Koblizek, T. (2010). O nutnosti v literatuře: několik poznámek k rozlišení časových a prostorových umění (= On neccessity of distinction between temporal and spatial arts). In: Bohemica Olomucensia – Symposiana 1, Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, pp. 40–43. (in Czech)
Koblizek, T. (2010). Nástin strukturálně fenomenologické analýzy (The Elements of phenomenological and structural analysis), in: S. Fedrová (ed.): Česká literatura v intermediální perpektivě. IV. kongres světové literárněvědné bohemistiky: Jiná česká literatura (?), Praha: Akropolis, pp. 145–155. (in Czech)
Koblizek, T. (2009). Teorie fikčních světů: kritická reflexe (Theory of fictional worlds: A critical view), Svět literatury, 39, pp. 31–61. (in Czech)
Koblizek, T. (2007). Tristram Shandy: román bez odboček (Tristram Shandy: A novel with no digressions), in: Z. Hrbata (ed.): Od antiky k moderně, Praha: UK v Praze, pp. 159–169. (in Czech)
Edited volumes
Koblížek, T. – Koťátko, P. (eds.) (2021). Lessons from Kafka. Philosophical Readings of Franz Kafka’s Works. Praha: Filosofia. (Includes original contributions by Jerrold Levinson, Simon Glendinning or Josep Corbí)
Koblizek, T. – Roreitner, R. (eds.) (2018). Hegel ve Francii (= Hegel in France), Prague, Oikoymenh.
Koblizek, T. (ed.) (2017). Aesthetic Illusion in Literature and the Arts, London, New York: Bloomsbury. (Includes original contributions by Thomas G. Paul, Werner Wolf or Emily Troscianko)
Koblizek, T. – Kotatko, P. (eds.) (2016). Chaos and Form. Echoes of Beckett in Literature and the Arts. Prague: Litterarie Pragensia. (Includes original contributions by Stanley Gontarski or Claude Imbert)
Koblizek, T. – Kotatko, P. – Pokorny, M. (eds.) (2013). Text and Work: The Menard Case. Prague: Litteraria Pragensia. (Includes original contributions by Robert Casati, Alberto Voltolini or Jacques Morizot)
Koblizek, T. – Worms, F.: Doplňující otázky k rozhovoru Ulysse Lojkina a Frédérica Wormse (= Supplementary questions to the interview between Ulysse Lojkin and Frédéric Worms), Reflexe, 60, pp. 163–167. (An interview with Frédéric Worms, École normale supérieure, Paris)
Reviews of aforementioned works
Leddington, J. (2018). Review of T. Koblizek (ed.), The Aesthetic Illusion in Literature and the Arts. Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews. Online: ndpr.nd.edu/news/the-aesthetic-illusion-in-literature-and-the-arts/
Kaplický, M. (2018). Jako živé: o estetické iluzi v umění. Koblížek, Tomáš (ed.). The Aesthetic Illusion in literature and in the Arts. London: Bloomsbury, 2017, 305 s. Svět literatury, 28(58), 166–170.
Segal, E. (2015). [Review of Koblizek, T., Koťátko, P., & Pokorný M. (2013). Text and Work. The Menard Case]. Poetics Today, 36 (3), 310–312. Online: https://read.dukeupress.edu/poetics-today/article-abstract/36/3/310/21159/Text-Work-The-Menard-Case.
Beránková, E. V. (2014). Tomáš Koblížek: Nová poetika. Česká literatura, 62(1), 119–122.
Translations from French to Czech
É. Benveniste: Poslední přednášky. Collège de France (1968–1969), Praha: Academia (forthcoming in 2021). (Original text: Émile Benveniste, Dernières leçons. Collège de France 1968 et 1969, Paris 2012).
É. Benveniste: Studie z obecné lingvistiky. Ed. E. Krásová Praha: Dauphin, 2020 (Original text: É. Benveniste, Problèmes de linguistique générale I+II, 1969 + 1974, T. K. translation of 9 studies).
A. de Libera: Archeologie subjektu (rozhovor s H. de Monvallierem). Reflexe, 54, 2018, pp. 149–165. (Original text: H. Monvallier, Entretien avec Alain de Libera: autour de l'Archéologie du sujet, online : Actu Philosophia, 2009)
J. Wahl: Nešťastné vědomí v Hegelově filosofii. In: T. Koblížek, R. Roreitner (eds.), Hegel ve Francii, Praha: Oikúmené, 2018, pp. 30–41. (Original text: J. Wahl, Le malheur de la conscience dans la philosophie de Hegel, 1929)
A. Koyré: Hegel v Jeně. In: T. Koblížek, R. Roreitner (eds.), Hegel ve Francii, Praha: Oikúmené, 2018, pp. 42–79. (Original text : A. Koyré, Hegel à Iéna, 1931)
J. Hyppolite: Lest rozumu a dějiny u Hegela. In: T. Koblížek, R. Roreitner (eds.), Hegel ve Francii, Praha: Oikúmené, 2018, pp. 100–106. (Original text: J. Hyppolite, Ruse de la raison et histoire chez Hegel, 1952)
B. Bourgeois: Hegel a konec všeobecných dějin. In: T. Koblížek, R. Roreitner (eds.), Hegel ve Francii, Praha: Oikúmené, 2018, pp. 107–118. (Original text: B. Bourgeois, La fin de l'histoire universelle, 2001)
B. Bourgeois: Čas a věčnost v Hegelově filosofii. In: T. Koblížek, R. Roreitner (eds.), Hegel ve Francii, Praha: Oikúmené, 2018, pp. 119–134. (Original text: B. Bourgeois, Temps et étérnité, 2001)
D. Souche-Dagues: Hegelovský čas. In: T. Koblížek, R. Roreitner (eds.), Hegel ve Francii, Praha: Oikúmené, 2018, pp. 135–154. (Original text: D. Souche-Dagues, Le temps hégélien, 1994)
C. Malabou: Hegelova budoucnost. Plasticita, časovost, dialektika. In: T. Koblížek, R. Roreitner (eds.), Hegel ve Francii, Praha: Oikúmené, 2018, pp. 179–206. (Original text: C. Malabou, L'Avenir de Hegel: Plasticité, Temporalité, Dialectique, 1996)
L. Goldmann: Skrytý Bůh. Studie k tragickému světovému názoru v Pascalových Myšlenkách a v Racinově dramatické tvorbě. In: L. Borovička (ed.), "Světový názor" od Humboldta k Eagletonovi. Komentovaná antologie textů k dějinám pojmu. Praha: Academia, 2017, pp. 121–138. (Original text: L. Goldmann, Le Dieu caché. Étude sur la vision tragique dans les « Pensées » de Pascal et dans le théâtre de Racine, 1956 – excerpt)
F. de Saussure: Rukopisné poznámky o anagramu. Svět literatury 52, 2015, pp. 206–215. (F. de Saussure, Les mots sous les mots. Les anagrammes de Ferdinand de Saussure, 1971 – excerpt)
J. Hyppolite: Hegelovské interpretace (zahrnuje texty: Dialog a dialektika ve Fenomenologii ducha, Existence v Hegelově Fenomenologii, O Hegelově Logice), Reflexe 2014, 46, pp. 99–122. (Original text: J. Hyppolite, Dialectique et dialogue dans la Phénoménologie de l'esprit ; L’existence dans la Phénoménologie de Hegel, Essai sur la logique de Hegel)
H. J. Pos: Fenomenologie a lingvistika, Teorie vědy 2012, 4, pp. 429–438. (Original text: Phénoménologie et linguistique, 1939)
É. Benveniste: Pojem rytmu a jeho jazykové vyjádření, Svět literatury, 2010, 42, pp. 101–108. (Original text: É. Benveniste, La notion de “rythme” dans son expression linguistique, 1951)
Translations from Czech to French
F. Čermák: Ferdinand de Saussure et son Cours. Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure, 70, 2017, pp. 205–228. (Original text: F. Čermák, Ferdinand de Saussure a jeho Kurs, 1989)
Translations from German to Czech
I. Kant: Ze Sömmeringa: O orgánu duše, Reflexe 53, 2017, pp. 171–174. (Original text: Aus Sömmering: Über das Organ der Seele, 1796)
W. v. Humboldt: O rozdílnosti stavby lidského jazyka a jejím vlivu na duchovní rozvoj lidského rodu. In: L. Borovička (ed.), "Světový názor" od Humboldta k Eagletonovi. Komentovaná antologie textů k dějinám pojmu. Praha: Academia, 2017, pp. 25–42. (Original text: Über die Kawi-sprache auf der insel Java (Über die Verschiedenheit des menschlichen Sprachbaues und ihren Einfluss auf die geistige Entwickelung des Menschengeschlechts, 1836 – excerpt)
I. Kant: Kritika soudnosti. Praha: Oikoymenh, 2015 (úprava překladu W. Hansela a V. Špalka). (Original text: Kritik der Urteilskraft, 1790 – a revision of the first Czech translation by W. Hansel and V. Špalek)
P. Lorenzen: Aktuální nekonečno v matematice, in: V. Kolman, R. Roreitner (eds.): O špatném nekonečnu, Praha: Filosofia, 2013, pp. 397–405. (Original text: Das Aktual-Unendliche in der Mathematik, 1957)
I. Kant: O povýšeném tónu, jenž nově zaznívá ve filosofii, in: Reflexe 2012, 44, pp. 101–118. (Original text: Von einem neuerdings erhobenen vornehmen Ton in der Philosophie, 1796)
Translations from English to Czech
L. Koepnick: Rámování pozornosti. Revue Labyrint 2015, 35/36. (Original text: Framing Attention, 2007 - excerpt)
M. Hirsch: Generace (post)paměti. Revue Labyrint 2013/31-32, pp. 178–183. (Original text: Generation of postmemory, 2012 – excerpt)
A. Bennfield: Beckettova potrhaná syntax. In: K. Císař, P. Koťátko (eds.): Beckett: filosofie a literatura, Filosofia: Praha, pp. 187–239. (Original text: A. Bennfield, Beckett's Tattered Syntax, 2004)
S. E. Gontarski: Obnovení Beckettova bergsonismu. In: K. Císař, P. Koťátko (eds.): Beckett: filosofie a literatura, Filosofia: Praha 2011, pp. 15–32. (Original text: S. E. Gontarski, Recovering Beckett's Bergsonism, 2008)
Reviews of philosophical monographs and edited volumes in Czech academic journals and revues
Koblizek, T.: Pavel Kouba, Život rozumění, Reflexe 2015, 49, pp.145–151.
Koblizek, T.: Carole Maigné Formalisme esthétique. Prague et Vienne au XIXe siecle, Estetika: The Central European Journal of Aesthetics, 2014, 51, pp. 282–289.
Koblizek, T.: Martin Pokorný, Řeč. Příspěvek k situační fenomenologii, Filosofický časopis 2014, 6, pp. 928–934.
Koblizek, T.: Karel Novotný, O povaze jevů, Reflexe 2012, 42, pp. 105–110.
Koblizek, T.: Suma české kritiky, Svět literatury 2012, 46, pp. 221–227.
Koblizek, T.: Nové čtení Benvenista, Svět literatury 2011, 44, pp. 218–222.
Koblizek, T.: Karel Novotný, Co je fenomén?, Reflexe 2011, 40, pp. 142–147.
Koblizek, T.: Martin Vrabec (ed.), Člověk a jeho svět, Reflexe 2010, 38, pp. 114–121.
Koblizek, T.: Günter Figal, Úvod do Heideggera, Reflexe 2009, 36, pp. 127–132.
Koblizek, T.: Martin Pokorný, Odezvy a znaky Joyceova Odyssea, Svět literatury 2009, 40, pp. 165–170.
Non-academic publications
Koblizek, T.: Uvnitř a vně světa literatury. Poznámka k metodě Pierra Bourdieua, Psí víno, 2012, 61, pp. 75–77. (=A note on Pierre Bourdieu's method)
Koblizek, T.: Jenom stručně o kritice, Art & Antiques, 2013, 5, pp. 2. (= On Art criticism)
Koblizek, T.: O detailu, Art & Antiques, 2013, 9, pp. 2. (= On detail in art)
Blog na serveru Společnosti pro estetiku, 2015–2016 (http://www.estetikaspol.cz/kategorie/blog/). (= Blog on aesthetics)
Koblizek, T.: Staiger, Emil – Poetika, interpretace, styl (= Emil Steiger’s poetics), iliteratura.cz (24. 3. 2009)
Koblizek, T.: Intertextualita genealogie a smysl pojmu (= The genealogy of the notion of intertextuality), iliteratura.cz (21. 5. 2009)
Koblizek, T.: Meschonnic, Henri, iliteratura.cz (9. 11. 2009)
Outreach activities
What is hate speech? Summer School of Civic Education Teachers, European House, Prague, 14 July 2022
Presentation at a high-school: The right to hate? Hate speech and freedom of speech in the perspectives of contemporary philosophy (in Czech), Obchodní akademie a hotelová škola Třebíč, December 7, 2021
Presentation at an elementary school: What is Philosophy? (in Czech), ZŠ Lupáčova, Prague, February 2020
Presentation at a public library: Art and Ethics, The Library od Academy of Sciences, December 16, 2016
September 2022